Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Some more hands.

Winning poker is about maximizing when your ahead and minimizing your loses when your behind - even the best of players are going to lose, but the best of players get away with a scratch whereas average and weak players take a knive to the heart. This morning I was doing a poor job, this evening was better - I didnt really win that much, but I feel like I could have lost alot had I not played so well.




Currently playing in the party poker 40k freezeout. Started with 2658 down to 240 players, I have double the average stack - i'll tell you what happens in my next post.

EDIT: I was 2nd in chips with 4 people remaining and we chopped. I cashed for $5,540. The poker gods are forgiven.


Andrew Brownell said...

OMG! Nicely done! Maybe I should play tournies on Party. Can you explain some of your general strategy? Seems you are doing quite well. :P

My inclination is that you would play for double up situations early and then later just play position / smart poker. Having above average chips when getting to the mid stages would be very important. I'm going to try to qualify for the million tourney tomorrow. :)

Bruno Meliambro said...

Early on the only time I'm playing is if I have a good hand or i'm on the button/cutoff in a pot that hasent been raised. I think thats the best way to approach such a huge field - there are alot of pros who play MTTs very aggresively, they try and accumulate alot of chips early so that they can use them at muscle, I sometime do that in Sit+GOs - Essentially, either you double yourself up a couple of times early, or you go broke. The + side is that your not gonna bubble to blinds, if you go out your gonna save yourself alot of time but if you accumulate chips, you give yourself a legitimate chance at winning the tournament.