Saturday, September 16, 2006

Chat Taunting?

I just had a very funny session over on Stars. On one particular table a pretty decent player was sitting two spots to my left. I picked up AcAh and raised - he reraised, so since I was out of position I reraised it up to about 30xBB (Just wanted to pick it up) and he smartly folds. About twenty minutes later I picked up another pair of aces on the same table (lucky me :P). I raise it up to 3xBB and again this guy comes over the top. I decided to try a funny idea I occassionally do if I think it can influence my opponents. I said, "STOP RERAISING ME!" and then pushed all-in. Instant call. He had queens and my hand held up for a nice double up. I have made similar comments before if I think I can earn extra money from a player who is unlikely to call if I sit silently.

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