Tuesday, September 26, 2006





Cold Deck.


Andrew Brownell said...

I don't like going broke with just a pair. Even if your read was right when the money went in - unless you know something about that specific player, I'm not getting all-in in these spots...

Cold decks definitely suck though -
I had a hand a few days ago. I raise preflop with AA, get reraised, so reraise again (out of position). The other player calls. Flop comes 998. He is short stacked, and there are two clubs. I figure there is no way he hit that and move in for his remaining 25 dollars (a bit more than the pot). He calls and shows J9. :/ Nice calling the $15 preflop bet with J9 buddy. :(

Bruno Meliambro said...

I think I should have gotten away from the KK - I knew I was beat, that's just bad play - that's all.

I was thinking to myself, what do I legitimatly beat here... Q/Q and I chop with K/K.

Bruno Meliambro said...

Matt, i need your blogspot username to add you to the blog.

Andrew Brownell said...

Yah I think you probably can get away from the KK hand - and the others you played about as well as you could. :)

Bruno Meliambro said...

Leave $16 and qualify for the sunday millions, the field is so easy.

Bruno Meliambro said...

Who wants to play online when you can play live in vegas :P