Thursday, September 28, 2006

My Love/Hate Relationship with Full Tilt

I decided that I was gonna clear full tilts generous 100% bonus up to $600 - so i deposit $600 on full tilt and I start opening 0.25/0.50 tables so I can get at it, i'm trying to fit these tables like I do on partypoker, 4 on each monitor - I spend about 15 minutes trying to resize the tables when I finally ask someone for help. Full Tilt does not have resizable tables... wow. The only way to play 8+ tables on full tilt is to have 2 CRT monitors with really high resolutions so i'm out of luck. I cannot believe that full tilt has not implemented this feature yet... that's the hate.

Here's the love - full tilt is by far the easiest game I have ever played, everyone plays ridiculously tight, combine that with the fact that they run 9-max tables instead of 10-max and you have me running over tables... I will literally raise from early position with suited connectors and raise from the cutoff and button with hands like K/7o, it's that tight. I'm not even sure if i could play 10 tables on full tilt because im raising like 40% of the hands. Players aren't only tight preflop, they are brutal post flop, I can't remember loosing one hand where I was in position. If its checked to me, I bet, they fold - if they bet, I reraise if I catch any piece of the flop, they fold... It's ridiculous.

This morning I was playing 6 0.25/0.50 tables, after about two hours I opened my cashier and my total $ in play was $840. I had two tables which had 5 times my original buy-in and I never chipped up. I think i'm running well - I say think because i'm not sure if i'm hitting more hands just because i'm playing more hands... for example, I must have hit 15 sets this morning but I raise with any pair in any position, so i'm getting to see many more flops with pairs, usually I just take the blinds tho.

The greatest part about all of this is that people play even tighter against me because my stack is so big, people will lay down top pair with a medium kicker because they don't want to play for their entire stack(which I will make them do, i'm relentless in my aggression). Heres another reason my crushing full tilt, everyone is playing small stacks - for some reason, players don't buy in for the maximum on this site so when i make a continuation bet and someone calls me for 20% of their stack, I know they they are trying to trap me or are a very strong draw. They make it easy, they are pretty much showing me their hands...

I started playing last night and i've unlocked $60 of my bonus and accumulated about 1000 FPP so I should be done in about 10 days with 10,000 FPPs - i'll probably keep playing on full tilt to get a custom football jersey, that thing is pretty sweet.

1 comment:

Bruno Meliambro said...

I actually need your email, I figured that out when I added Griffen last night. Hes gonna be contributing to the blog too, we're gonna have a big melting pot of knowledge - he plays mostly life for now but will be moving into online play soon.

I don't think LAG is a good idea at the MGM, from what I understand, low limits games in Vegas play very wild, i'm sure I don't have to tell you that if the game is crazy that your gonna have a hard time playing LAG. I've had friends go down and cash out huge by playing TAG and really pounding people when you have the nuts.

My preflop raise is always 4bb, and my post flop raise is always 2/3 of the pot. I sometimes deviate, but its special circumstances because I know the player or I feel like all the money is going in anyway. For example if I have TPTK and a shortstack raises, I'll probably put him all in right there knowning that no matter what comes on the turn and river, i'm not gonna be able to get away from it. Some pros say that you should always be mixing up your bet size to keep players guessing and others believe, like me, that its much more confusing to stay consistent no matter what your hand.

One thing I need to do better on full tilt is to learn how to get payed off on my monster hands, they play so tight that I can raise in early position with A/A and have it folded all the way around but I don't want to limp because I feel like that sends out a flare - I never limp. Maybe i'm giving the players too much credit, perhaps they don't even notice that i'm so LAG, it would sure explain why they havent been playing back at me.