Thursday, September 14, 2006

Poker Tracker

Been making sure to upload my hand histories for the past month or so. I'm still in the mouse category, but am in the +1.5 aggressiveness which is a good change.

I have a pretty decent database accumulating - about 60k of my hands.

I have a BB/100 of 1.27. Since I play 10 tables, thats nearly 13 BB/100 hands. I get in about 400 hands per hour. So thats about $52/hour, which when added to various site bonuses (usually around $50-100 per 6-8 hour session), is not too shabby at all. My monthly goal is currently $5k, and last month I made about $3K. If I could do $5k a month, thats a decent living - and it would allow me to pad my bankroll in hopes that I could eventually move up to the $1-2 or even $2-4 games.

I'd be interested to see other winning players stats - it does seem that aggression is a key component to winning - but lose/tight seems to be a matter of style more than anything else. I have noticed that the good players change gears when they see the table tightening up and playing "mouse" poker. (I do this too - I find that I can steal with any pocket pair, any ace, any decent king, and any medium+ suited connectors. As well as being able to semi-bluff and pick up a lot of pots with just about any decent draw).

I have also noticed that these same good players will tighten up when there are lots of action players willing to give away their whole stacks with top pair. One particular player has really impressed me and I constantly find him sitting at the tables with 2-3X the buy-ins; he does this perfectly. Sometimes hes a mouse - sometimes he's a maniac. I'm trying to get used to playing a lot more aggressively when the games call for it. The key is being aggressive regardless of how the table is behaving BUT just changing starting hand reqs - and betting decisions based on exploiting opponents' weaknesses.


Bruno Meliambro said...

How big are your monitors and how do you spread the tables?

Andrew Brownell said...

I have two 19" LCDs. There is table overlap - but what I do is place a table whre I'm sitting in the top left in that position of the screen and bottom right in that portion of the screen and so on. Once you have four tables on each screen you can put 1 table in the middle - and just try to keep the middle one on top of at least one of the other four tables on that screen.