Thursday, September 14, 2006

I'm A Maniac

I've been mixing it up recently, you always hear the pros say - learn all the games, don't become a specialist - that's what im doing. I've always believed that my true strenght was limit poker and my bankroll has benefited from my recent expansion. I think I have limit hold'em down to a science because... well, it is a science. Its so much more calculated, it's about playing the odds. I don't multitable it like NL hold'em because it simply is not as profitable, people like to give away there stacks by putting moves on you in NL hold'em when you have the best of it - they do the same thing in limit but unfortunetly when you cap it they fold. Instead of multi-tabling, I play it at a higher limit - i'll play two tables of $10/$20 limit.

(note: I just folded Q/Q on the button to a UTG standard raise, some would call this crazy but I have 7,000 hands on the player and he has only raised preflop 35 times - he had kings, board came unders, how many $$ did data mining just save me?)

Anyway, i've been playing alot of 7 card stud also, 7 card stud 8 or better and Razz are really the only two games I need to work on at this point. My omaha is already pretty solid. It seems to me that people are really leaking serious cash in 7 card. It's the same problem as in hold'em, they play too loose, the difference between hold'em and stud is that the idea of playing tight has not been beaten into their head because of the 100 poker shows they have seen or the 10 2+2 books they have read. Not many people go thru the trouble of reading stud literature, the ones who have, you can pick them off immediatly, they are the ones who arent playing every 2nd pot and who steal blinds when the show a high card in position.

Anyway, thats what I have been doing, just in case someone was wondering where I have been. The reason I havent posted very much is because I've been really busy with life, I went to Montreal a couple of weeks ago to play in the WCG candian finals, i finished a disapointing 3rd monstly due to the fact that I have been playing poker and didnt practice at all. This week i moved back to school, so I had to get all setup and stuff so im now good to go, expect more content.

I guess I should probably explain the title of this post, I was playing two tables of $1/$2 NL Texas hold'em which is what I play when i'm not multitabling(every once and awhile I like to play real poker, not mechanical multi-tabling) and I asked one of the players who I have played a fair amount with what his poker tracker had me classified as, I wasen't really suprised to find out that it had me down as a maniac. That game plays so tight and you need to run it over... It also dosent hurt that I play LAG in almost every NL hold'em game anyway... I then asked him how much I had won - $1300. I guess being a maniac pays. :)

(Interesting hand that just occured as I was writting this up, I have rockets in middle position, two limpers so I make a bigger than standard raise, i bumb it up 6.5BBs, button calls, small blind calls, both limpers call - not what I expected, actually quite upset at this point because theres a high probability im gonna get cracked. Flop comes Qh/4h/Qc, it gets checked to me, the pot is sitting at about $14, i bet $10 - Button raises to $25, everyone else folds. What do you do?)


Andrew Brownell said...


I fold if I know the guy is solid/straight forward. Being out of position, if you are wrong and you call here, you are basically committing the rest of your stack with 2 outs.

If the guy is capable of raising with JJ or KK in this spot I might consider calling or raising - but again you very easily could go broke here. The big thing here is that it looks like he has AQ or 44. AQ might not raise - mainly because they have position, why raise you out? 44 might hope you have AQ and wants to pick up the pot now - or get you all in now.

What did you do? / what did he have?

Bruno Meliambro said...

I pushed in and he though for a long time and folded, I'm not really sure what he had, maybe, A/K with a flush draw but it's also possible that he had nothing - this is the kind of spot I would take a shot the pot because its very difficult to call a re-raise if you don't have a Q and most people check flopped trips.

I felt like I was ahead here, I just don't believe any hand that beats me is gonna come over the top like that, it also dosen't hurt that he had a high post flop aggression factor.