Thursday, July 06, 2006

A somewhat interesting hand...

Hero picks up QcQh in middle position.
Villian1 in early position raises to 3.5x BB.
Hero calls.
Villian2 on the button calls. Three players see the flop. Pot = 11.5 BB.
Flop comes: Kd2c9d.
Villian1 checks.
Hero bets about 2/3s the pot (8 BB). Pot = 19.5 BB.
Villian2 folds.
Villian1 calls. Pot = 27.5 BB.
Turn 4s. Board: Kd2c9d4d.
Villian checks.
Hero checks.
River Js. Board: Kd2c9d4dJs
BB bets 24 BB. Pot = 51.5 BB.

Now this may seem pretty straight forward, but the hand ended up being a difficult one for me to figure out.
On the flop my opponent called - I immediately put my opponent on a flush draw, something like Axs, or something like KJ or KQ. I felt like the turn card bascially shut me out of the hand and made me pretty sure that I was beat. What I found weird this hand was that my opponent bet so much on the end. If I was playing the hand with a flush I would NEVER bet a pot sized bet with the flush. You are not ever going to get called right? So I started to figure out what was more likely - a hand like JQ did hit a pair there on the end or a A9 with a diamond. These hands might try to bluff this pot based on the scare flush out there. It just didnt' make sense to me why a decent player would make this sort of bet without the nuts unless they were very relatively sure I would fold. A decent player would have noticed that I shut down on the turn - maybe he was just trying to steal?

So I convinced myself that my queens might be good and called.

Villian shows 2s2h for three 2s.

So my opponent made a very smart bet there on the river - intentional or not, it is a very interesting thing to think about.

If he could be pretty sure that I didn't have the flush, but I could have a pretty strong hand, it would be a far better play to throw out a bet that looks like a bluff. Forcing me to consider calling. If he had bet a 1/2-pot or 1/3-pot sized bet I would have folded instantly.

Now, that all being said... my play was terrible. If I thought my opponent was bluffing - I should have raised. But even if I was 50% sure he was bluffing, folding here would not have been terrible. He might have had KJ with a diamond and had top pair and a good draw on the flop... The river would have made him two pair - and this might have encouraged him to bet so much - putting me on a hand like AK.

Its hard to get inside another player's head, but that higher level poker thinking can be really tough - and in this case - I thought too much, and didn't trust my first feeling that I should just fold and move on to another hand...

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