Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Cant take much more.

My aces get cracked on the final table of a $12,000 guarantee - 4 players remaining.



Me: 400,000
Villan: 450, 000
Villan2: 100,000
Villan 3: 100,000

I limp with A/A, knowing that the big stack will raise, he always does, he raises for about 30,000, I reraise to 150,000, he pushes all-in, I call. He shows 9/10.
Flop comes 9/x/x and I know right away, turn comes 10, river comes 9.

This feeling - a $3,000 bad beat - its not a good one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Griffin here,

F*cking brutal Bro, seriously... that is just an awful and very unfortunate beat...

What sites have you been playing at? Sticking to Sultans? I abandoned FullTilt and rebought on Sultans for shits and giggles the other day and been playing some sng's... up a little bit so we should talk when I get home to Toronto next Monday and we can vent it up and play some sng's like old times. CS Tournament season is over at the end of July so we should arrange to meet up either in Toronto or in Ottawa and have another poker week/weekend. Was a blast last time around, and heck, the whole experience made you convince yourself you're a poker player, and definitely improved me a whole lot, and here you are actually reflecting/studying hands and improving by the day.

I remember when I first got to Ottawa and I'd ask you about a few hands at certain tournaments or whtaever, and you'd go "I don't really remember hands...". Now look at you :P.

I don't know if you remembered but I have that freeroll I qualified for at Brantford Casino on the 12th (original qualificationo tourney was a $45 buy with $20 rebuy and $40 addon on the break, so over $100 total buyin, top 10 of the 50 get into the freeroll worth double weeks later) so I'll definitely post a comment on here about how that went, or better yet, maybe I can contribute to this blogsite?

Anyway, keep in touch, interesting reads, e-mail me at shaguar@team3d.net, or my MSN.

- Griffin