Thursday, July 13, 2006

Poker at the loft

I went down to the pokerloft for their weekly wednesday night 30 man $60 tournament. I was taking a little break from my break - I mean, i'm a man, what kind of respectable man can go weeks, even days, without playing a little poker. Not I.

Anyway, I'm really getting some cards, after about two orbits im up to 2400 chips(Started with 2000, blinds 10/20) from playing alot of small pots. Ive had A/Q twice, J/J and multiple smaller pairs - absolutly nothing to complain about. Then this hand comes up:

Im UTG+1, UTG has folded - I look down at my hole cards to see K/K - I do a little river dance in my head and then raise to 120, three times the big blind, my table has been kind of tight. The player next to me raises to 240 - generally, your happy when someone re-raises your kings preflop however this was not the player I wanted doing it - Ive played with him before and hes ridiculously tight. The button calls and I decide to find out if he has a the bullets (For all of you who are not aware, men on horses with lassos, as powerful as they are, fall hard to a couple of bullets) I raise to 500 - he thinks maybe a tenth of a second and pushes all in. Button folds. Im in trouble. The worst part is that he had just shown a pair of kings on the previous hand. Is it possible that he got kings followed by aces on the next hand... What else could he have?

A/K: Maybe he re-raises with that, but he sure is not pushing all in with it, hes too good for that.
QQ : Just not possible, there is no way he would re-raise with any of those hands.
KK : Possibly, I would probably just call the 500 and check if an ace comes.
AA : Most likely.

"You really tight" - Bruno
Nodding his head in agreement,
"Yeah, I am" - Jess
"I mean, really, really tight" - Bruno
He turns and gives me this look with a little smile, it was like he was saying "I know you have Kings and you know I have Aces but your calling anyway so stop stalling and give me your chips"

Damn him. I call. He turns over Aces, I dont improve, I'm out.

Stupid Cowboys. Thats the third time this has happend to me at the $60 pokerloft tournament. How many times have I played it? Three. Damnit. Ive read but I havent learned my lesson yet. Should have listened to this one too, - maybe next time ill be smart about it, probably not tho.

1 comment:

Andrew Brownell said...

The whole reason you reraised was to find out where you were at. I think once you make that raise and are put all-in - unless you really think your opponent is making a play at you - you fold. I had this exact situation in vegas about a month ago. I raised and was reraised by a super tight player. I reraised - he goes all-in and I called KK vs AA. That was the last time I ever want to learn that lesson AGAIN the hard way.

In phil gordon's book he says: beware of the fourth raise. He claims that it always means AA - I don't know if he's right - but here: we both seem to have lived to see that he is at least twice...