Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A combination of skill and luck.

Friday Night. Marco's basement. 1:00 am.
$20 buy-in, 6 players. 2 rebuys.

Ive been playing a very good game, Tazza doubled me up when he tried to bluff me, too bad I had the K-high flush. Anyway, i've got alot chips and im leaning on the shorthanded table, if they are sooted or connectors, im raising and following up strong on the flop - hit or miss.

Im dealt K/Q in the small blind, 2 callers in front of me, I raise 3x the BB, UTG min reraises(weird) - Button calls, I call. Flop comes 7/4/2 rainbow, check, check, check - turn comes Q of clubs to give me top pair and put 2 clubs on the baord. Check,Check,Check. Oops, No Aces please. River, A of clubs. I raise the pot... UTG goes into the tank for 2 minutes and pushes all in for almost nothing on top. Button-insta calls. I fold to a tiny raise just because im too embarassed to show my donkey play. UTG turns over the A/6 and button turns over J/10 of clubs.

That hand set me back in chips and I could no longer play the same game, blinds started creeping up and the table was suddenly tight.

Im on the button, with 10/10 - one caller ahead of me, I raise 3x the BB. Blinds fold, callers follows up with a call. Flop comes 10d/Ad/4d - check, I raise all-in for just a little over the pot. He goes into the tank for 1 minute and calles with Kc/9d. Turn and River both come diamonds, i'm out.

Nothing wrong with that, played it well just got unlucky.

Speaking of unlucky, I played some online poker for the first time in a long time on sunday. Im playing one table, $1/$2 - I have about $200 in front of me when this hand comes along. Im UTG with Q/Q - I raise to $6 - Button reraises to $12 - I call. Flop comes Q/Q/4. Oh my god, wow. I bet 1/2 the pot, $14. I like bet my monsters hands week, alot of the time people will come over the top thinking that you would never bet a Queen in this position however if you check-raised they would put you on a queen and you would make very little. Villan comes overtop of me all in, for $100 more - I clearly insta call, he shows A/A - I have him completly destroyers, i'm a 99.8% favorite. Turn comes, A, river, A. Try sleeping after that.

Might play some more online tonight, if im not as hungover as I am right now. Ill let you know.


Andrew Brownell said...

I don't understand the TT hand. If the flop came AAT, you have a full house. Even if your opponent did get a flush - you win. :) Must have been some sort of different flop?

Bruno Meliambro said...

the flop is 10/A/4 all diamonds - the 4 looks like an Ace.

Andrew Brownell said...

weird im going blind apparently

fishbones11 said...

the QQ is just sick, I have never had that happen or see that happen before. Just wondering why you bet out on the river with the KQ, when suck a shity card came. It's not like it was a blocking bet if the guy hardly had any more chips.

Bruno Meliambro said...

Im just stubborn, I didnt want to give away the pot since I had it and let it go. I compound my mistakes.