Monday, August 14, 2006

Long Time No Blog

It has been awhile since i've blogged. There's no one specific reason, I just havent felt like doing it - mostly because until a week ago I wasent really playing that much poker, this has changed. Football ended for me last weekend so I have found myself with alot of free time.

The biggest news I guess I have is that I'm not only playing No Limit Hold'em anymore, I've started playing 7 card stud, 7 card stud 8 or better, Razz, Omaha, Omaha 8 or better and limit hold'em. I'm playing limit for all the games except Omaha which is Pot Limit. I think it keeps me sharp, I don't get bored during long sessions if I mix in a game I usually play, it also dosent hurt that i've very profitable in these games. I think that Omaha is actally more profitable than no limit hold'em but I'm not gonna start multi-tabling it because I dont think I have the bankroll right now to handle the kind of variance that comes with playing Omaha.

I'm making a concisous effort to find the holes in my game and fix them, I know there are alot, I can just feel it. I think one of my biggest problems is not winning the maximum, when i'm holding the nuts I'm not often enough able to get players to commit alot of their chips which is going to be a problem in the long run. I spent over 2 hours yesterday looking threw my pokertracker info, I think I have enough hands now to get accurate information on how i'm misplaying some of my hands is certain positions - for example, A/J has been a very bad hand for me, I've been folding in early position, raising in late position and completing or checking in the blinds. I'm not sure if i'm going to change this, but I'm definatly going to have to pay more attention to my auto-rate when I do this.

Thats another thing I did yesterday, I redefined my Auto-Rate rules - I used to have it rate after 50 hands but now I've tried to break it down to 20 so that I can get a faster reads when i'm multitabling.

I think I'm going to order a few books to help me learn to play Omaha and 7 card stud better - expect updates more frequently.


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