Tuesday, August 29, 2006

80-90% of money won/lost comes from tilt?

In a live at the bike episode barry greinstein mentions that he believes about 80-90% of all money won or lost at the poker table is due to player's tilt. Whether they are winning or losing - suffering bad beats, getting cold decked, etc. I found this statement very insightful because nearly all of my "huge" loss days are the days where I just couldn't quit even though I was down. Or if not that, I was at least allowing my emotions to alter my play.

I was talking on gtalk earlier tonight with a fellow multitable poker player who PokerTracker highlighted as one of the top "mouse" players in my $1 no-limit games (these are what I have been playing for the past 3 weeks on the Poker Network affiliates). He asked the exact question - how do you handle tilt - if you have a bunch of bad beats in a row (he had suffered 15 during his current session).

What I have always done if I am losing is:

1) focus on playing my game. Tight, tight, tight!
2) leave all of my tables, get a drink, and resume in a few minutes - approaching the games as a brand new session.
3) pay closer attention to table selection.

My style is all about patience - I fold most hands preflop, and nearly all the rest on the flop. Its the occasional double up that makes me a winner, and it only takes a few in a session to be very profitable. Keeping this in focus helps me maintain my consistent play level. I think when it comes down to it, poker is more about not makng mistakes then making great plays...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...