Friday, June 01, 2007

Starcraft 2 and me.

I want to be involved in the balance of Starcraft II game - ideally as a balance designer at Blizzard at some point. Taking a page out of Zileas' book, I want a dedicated place to make balance comments and suggestions. I have always made lots of balance type posts on Blizzard's forum in the past and this time I am going to take a very focused strategy in approaching how best to fix the problems as they arise.

When I interviewed for the game balance design job last year, I felt like I was the perfect fit for it; semi-pro gamer for a few years, who has always tried to think out of the box regarding Warcraft and Starcraft. I never found out what I was missing in particular for that job, but I personally believe it was simply an experience issue. SC2's release has renewed my personal desire to get this job - even if its for WC4 or SC3!


Anyway, life is starting to get in the way of my poker playing. I'm not expecting to post an update on here for a few weeks at least.

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