Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Recent Happenings...

Things have been a bit all over the place for me over the past few weeks. I'm getting married in less than 2 weeks (07/07/07), which is pretty crazy whenever I think about it - actually getting a bit anxious and Kristin, my fiance' is clearly stressed while she finishes up all the details.

On July 8th I'm leaving for a month long honeymoon, starting out in England and going throughout Europe, finally ending in a two week cruise/tourfest in Greece. Having been into history for most of my life, I'm really excited to travel and see many of the places/sites of things I've read about.

Partially due to this trip and also simply because the timing felt right, I decided to leave Mission Geoscience, where I've been working for the past 6 months. Its a nice place to work and I'll miss all the friends that I've made. A few of them live nearby and will hopefully continue to be friends long after my last day, which is July 3rd. They mentioned some type of goodbye celebration, which will be fun; they really have treated me well...

As I mentioned a few posts ago, I'm also looking into getting a job in the game industry. I interviewed to be a game tester at Electronic Arts in LA a few weeks back, and they have offered me the job once I return from my trip - in August. My sister has also been of great assistance in helping me look for a design position in southern California and I'm hoping that some of her contacts can help me land a job as a junior designer or level designer somewhere cool. I actually have a phone appointment with one of her friends tonight and he's going to show me the ropes in ZBrush. I've wanted to make games for a long time so now that I have a degree, I'm hoping I can use my amazingness to find a good job somewhere.

I recently started playing some poker and some Warcraft III again. Both have been pretty fun and I think I'll do my best to make sure I leave myself some free time to do both of these things in the coming months.

I'm still working on a Warcraft III map, Overrun, when I have good chunks of time. I probably have a good 30 hours left until all the essential stuff is in there; hopefully I can get it fully functional soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am stressed.