Friday, March 23, 2007

Crossed to 1K threshold!

Since its all the rage on this blog, I'm going to be trying to change $500 into $5K.

I have started data mining heavily - and am playing .50/1.00 tables at full tilt.

After about 3500 hands in I'm up to $1051. Mind you, $80 is bonus money, but not too bad. I had two pretty "lucky" hands where I won pots of $200+ and I've only lost 4 buyins (or near buyins) in all those hands.

Apparently I play like a little girl though - stats:

VP$IP: 15.8
PFR: 8.3
AGR (Total): 1.61

Not sure where I need to be more aggressive. I rarely ever call other than preflop - and thats when I have PPs (calling for a set) or am trapping - OR if its a limped pot and I don't mind seeing a flop. But - I'm thinking about starting to make my raises always the same - like Matt and I recently talked about. Always raising say 3 or 4 x the BB every time I raise - no matter my hand. I currently vary my bet based on position ala Phil Gordon. I raise 2.5 x BB up front, 3x in middle/late and 3.5 on the button, cutoff, or blinds.


Bruno Meliambro said...

I think you should be betting pot preflop, that way you compensate for the number of players who have come into the pot.

As for small pairs, i'm almost always raising them. If i'm in late position and a tight player opens from EP, I flat call, if a LAG player raises, I'm gonna put in a 3 bet for about pot about 70% of the time, calling 30%. In EP, I open for a raise with all my pairs. In the blinds is a different story, depending on stack sizes I think its ok to fold small pairs to a raise in the blinds because your OOP and your gonna check-fold too much to make i profitable(especially if the raise is LP).

Andrew Brownell said...

So when you are betting pot - what is your standard raise in an unopened pot?

Andrew Brownell said...

Also - are you playing short handed or full ring for your small/med pairs comments.

I've been eight tabling full ring lately. I don't know if raising with pocket 5s in early position in a full ring game is a great play or not. :D

Bruno Meliambro said...

My comment is about 6 max. I think when your playing full ring its ok to limp small pairs if your playing agianst bad opponents. If your playing 2/4 or higher your probably gonna be playing against alot of regulars so your probably just gonna want to fold your small pairs.

You should be punishing the regulars by raising about 5x when they limp EP because that will almost always be a small pair. Regulars/Good players are 2/4+ on FT will usually be people who have grinded their way up set mining the lower levels, you should capitalize on the fact that they play so transparently.

Standard raise in an unopened pot is 3.5xBB which I believe is perfect. With one limper that becomes 4.5x... etc.