Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Apparently I suck at poker now.

I have had a losing session the last like 10 sessions I've played. I'm not quite sure why - in fact I very rarely made huge mistakes. I had a few hands where I played them a bit strangely and that cost me big. For example I was dealt AhKh on the cutoff. It went early position limp, few folds, 4.5x BB raise, call, to me. I raised to 18xBB to try to just pick it up. I had about 100xBB in front of me before this hand. The raiser calls, and the caller folds. The flop comes QcJc3h. My opponent checks. Now I think about his holdings and assume he probably could have a hand like QQ or AK or obviously a powerhouse like AA or KK. I figure that my best move is to bet here because if I check, I am giving up the pot AND I also figure unless my opponent has exactly AA or QQ I have a decent number of outs to win the pot. I bet 10xBB into this 40xBB pot. My opponent minraises to 20xBB. Now I look at the pot and see that I'm getting 6:1 on my money here. I have no idea if my ace or king is good if I hit them, but I can be sure that a Jack gives me the best hand. I decide a call is good given the price I'm being offered. The turn is an ace. My opponent moves all in for 55xBB. I decide that my opponent can have AQ and I'm screwed or he has QQ and I'm really screwed. But for some reason I felt like its very likley we have the same hand and I decide to call. He had three queens and they held up.

Stupid I suppose, but then I cannot believe he called that reraise preflop from a super tight player with QQ. :(

Anyway, I have just been running/playing so badly lately. I'm going to stop multitabling more than 4 tables now. I don't know if it will help, but I really do think I need to try something to get back on track.

Incidently, I had a good run with the short stack strategy at one point and was up $800, then had an absolutely terrible run and lost all of my profit and then some. :(


Andrew Brownell said...

No I think you are dead on. I probably should have check-folded. What I figured when I made my bet in the back of my head was that if I get raised on the flop I have to fold. Cause I honeslty thought its possible he has AQ, QQ, KK, or AA. But like you said - none of those are folding this flop. The problem was that he min raised me on a terrifying board. This made me wonder what he could possibly have. Cause he offered me 7:1 on calling his raise - which just seems nuts for any of those hands. Cause if I have a hand like AKc or something like that, I will be getting the right odds to chase here.

But I agree, I played it terribly. I could have seen a free card on the flop and/or folded to his push on the turn. That was a terrible call on the turn for sure.

Jake Aufderheide said...

Never ever ever ever bet this flop. Check to see if you can turn a straight and fold immediately.

The times he has AK aren't going to be worth a bet here.

Anonymous said...

Почему регистрация не работает ?

Rowhack said...

There is plenty of chips in the pot, you are in position..why would you bet risking a straight draw, flush draw, underpair who is putting you 50/50 on AK, set etc raising you? I would have checked after he checked and take the free card to hit the straight or a heart. After the A comes on turn, now you have showdown value and you want to get to the showdown as cheap as possible hoping that the guy has TT or worse. Betting on the flop, you turned your hand into a bluff (or a semi-bluff if you count the tens as a legitimate draw). Remember that if he has a big hand like top set, he doesn't want you to fold unless he is worried about a flush draw. He has made a big hand and has to get value out of it...you have A high and a 12% chance at the nuts. I think this guy played perfectly by min-raising...why? if you have a AcKc or KcTc straight flush draws, you are not going to fold no matter how much he was raising. Plus your bet tells him that you don't have AK or AA..you are giving more info than you are getting. If you have a much weaker hand (one that has 12% chance of winning), he wants to get value out of the hand. BTW, if you had a straight flush draw, you would have either checked to see the free card or made a huge bet to take it down right there. So your bet, told him exactly what you had and he made a perfect play. The worst way to play this hand is to bet, call min-raise, miss the nuts on the river and fold to the next bet. The way you played the hand seems like you are used to playing with bad players (where it may be a reasonable way of playing) and were out of your depth with this guy.