Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Worst Run of My life.

Some disgusting stats:

7 set over set.
12 overpairs drawn out on(post flop).
2 flopped full houses beaten by quads.
4 flopped straits beaten by runner-runner flush.
4 two pair beaten by an overpaird and the board pairing on the turn or river.
3 flush over flush.

You must be thinking, wow - you had alot of very good hands. That is correct, i've flopped some amazing hands, unfortunetly they did not hold up. I had two flopped full houses get beaten by the player hitting quads on the turn - after the second one I had to stop playing because I had actually become ill.

Thankfully, all that matters is the ammount of money in my account at the end of the day and the hit was not too bad, still dissapointing... Imagine what could have been.

EDIT: Decided i'm not going to class tomorow morning, which means I'm gonna play a little more poker.

Bro02 calls $0.50, l3umboy folds, metopia calls $0.50, peateypab folds, 2basecj8 folds, adobery calls $0.50, Dunsky folds, poorboy23 calls $0.25, AngeloNero checks.

FLOP [board cards KS,7D,8D ]
poorboy23 checks, AngeloNero checks, Bro02 bets $1.50, metopia calls $1.50, adobery calls $1.50, poorboy23 folds, AngeloNero folds.

TURN [board cards KS,7D,8D,9D ]
Bro02 checks, metopia bets $3, adobery calls $3, Bro02 calls $3.

RIVER [board cards KS,7D,8D,9D,9C ]
Bro02 bets $10, metopia folds, adobery bets $30, Bro02 calls $20.

adobery shows [ 6D,5D ]
Bro02 mucks cards [ 7H,7S ]
adobery wins $75.


Andrew Brownell said...

Its interesting because I've felt about the same playing in tournaments the last two days. I've gotten to the bubble like 40 times in the 60 or so tournaments I played, and then would get knocked out by some idiot who overcalled with like TT vs my AA (flopping a set on the flop of course) or the worst was QQ vs Q3, flop coming 3T3, thanks variance! Then there was the phenominal call of 22 in position from an early position raiser - flopping a set, and getting all the money in against his AA and then seeing an ace fall on the turn.

I must say the one thing I miss about cash games is that when these happen I will usually lose less comparatively because I am deep stacked - vs a tournament when I am comparatively shorter. But it just seems like I have been catching real awful luck in a bottle these past two days. Only won three tickets in that time, so I'm hovering around $200 under for these days.

Anonymous said...

Bruno, can you email your full-tilt name? I don't want to have 7 variations of the same name in my list just to try to find yours.